Tuesday, October 1, 2013

JR Revised Title Image - Concepts

         These were the titles that served as inspiration for my revised title concepts. They all have titles that follow a set color or group of colors, while keeping a more simple shape. Still, each of these the styles is unique, but they all work well with my game's graphical style. The Katamari title inspired the usage of a matching "backing" for the title text. I was looking into a more interesting text backing, as the one on the current logo is a little too simple and doesn't fit the theme as well as the other objects. The wood in the bottom text for the Donkey Kong logo inspired the design for one of these backings, as the wood fits the themes of both games. Furthermore, the logo's spears inspired the idea of possible props leaning against the title's backing.

      I chose four possible graphical styles to use for the text, that both fit the theme and don't use too much warping in the text. The first one is a rather basic style that the Sonic title inspired, which is similar to what I already have now. The second one is a more loose stroke text, which is based on the top text on the Donkey Kong logo. The third is a cartoony bubble text similar to Katamari Forever's, that mixes simple coloration with a more complex letter shape (though, I'm not leaning towards this one). The last kind of text is the one I'm leaning towards. It is a kind of mix between different styles while still being unique, taking on a more simple polygonal feel. I might even add a stroke to it to help the details stand out.

   The two title "backings" I'm deciding between both are based on the game's theme. The wood was inspired by the wood in the Donkey Kong logo. I thought went well with JR, as the wood fits the southern swamp/marsh theme, and matches the kind of wood used in boardwalks and the BBQ house walls. The second one is original, and is based on the top of a BBQ grill. On this one, the title would be on top of the grill's grates instead of in the middle. I'm leaning slightly towards this one, though I'd have to sacrifice the flashing lights on the existing logo due to perspective.

   The two "accessories" are optional pieces I might add to give the logo a bit of flair. Inspired by the two spears on the Donkey Kong logo, these would represent the two opposing sides/protagonist and antagonist of the game. They would also help make the logo a bit more memorable by having a unique detail that isn't often seen.


Here's a sketched diagram of an example layout (minus the styled text and flashing lights) of a title with the wood "text backing" and both accessories. Just wanted to make it easier to see where I'm going with this title.


  1. its interesting but I'd like to see more i dont really know where you are going with this.

    1. I should've included an example of some of the elements combined. The approach I was going for was to think of different styles and elements that make up the title and to decide on them separately before combining them. It's similar to the approach I took to the plan of the Rock-Paper-Scissors poster.

  2. i like them but what is the reaosning behind the items? are they going to be the logos

  3. It's interesting, but I'm going to have to deduct points for using something from sonic 06 in your research.

    1. It was meant to represent the modern style text that more recent Sonic games use. Still, I understand why you're deducting points xD
