Tuesday, October 15, 2013

JR The Game - Building Concept Prop (Week 8)

    I've looked at several BBQ restaurants, and I've narrowed my preferred look down to these three. The First two are more traditional and family-styled, with the second fitting the Southern bayou theme of the game. The third image, however, is another approach I'm considering. The restaurant JR owns, story-wise, is a very popular attraction, so a larger and more club-like building style would reflect the business' success. In order to compromise, I'm thinking of using the ,multi-story architecture of the third image, while using the wooden bayou style of the second image. With all of these elements combined, it will have the successful business vibe while still fitting into the theme of the game. If the brick architecture was kept, it would look out-of-place when grouped with the other wooden buildings and structures.

1 comment:

  1. these buildings will be interesting and cool if you can pull them off. I think it might be a little difficult but once you get into it, it shouldn't be too hard.
