Monday, October 7, 2013

JR The Game - Final Title/Logo

     For the final version of my title screen, I decided to go with the fourth style of text (the Polygonal cartoonish text; I drew the text from scratch), while keeping it the same general size. I also thought the grill layout would look a bit awkward (the text would be on top of the grill as opposed to being centered), and I didn’t want to scrap the colorful lights the original title had. So, I decided to “enhance” the original title by utilizing the wooden board layout. It was a little difficult to draw by hand, but I was able to use photoshop to work it to the lighting and shading style the game uses. The Spatula had be moved down a bit, but I was otherwise able to integrate the two accessories.

       As for the logo, I decided to utilize the two props, as they represent the protagonist and antagonist of the game. The two “accessories” are crossed at different angles, to give the look that they are clashing against each, not unlike the clashing of two swords. However, I decided not to include a sort of “kapow” jagged bubble as a backing for the logo. Despite adding more space, it would give people the impression of a kind of fighting game, as opposed to an adventure platformer game.


  1. This came out really good and looks like it took a lot of time. I don't really get the point of the game but thats what makes me want to play it so I really like what you did here. the only thing I would suggest for the future is to think about make incorporating that horse into the logo, other than that I think it came out great.

  2. very nice upgrade to your logo. i like adding more accessories to the main characters in the logo to add to the look and feel. now you have tons of props to do pixel art with!
