Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Maze Concept

     Even though my game is a 2D platformer, I was able to come up with a good concept for a 3D maze set. The scenario is that, during the game, JR has wandered into a beachside complex of condos. He must avoid being seen (as he wandered in instead of using the game, so he doesn’t want to be reported to security), and navigate through the maze of hallways to reach the edge of the property. To reflect a condo-like structure, the mazes have several long corridors with multiple exits in each. In each hallway, only one of these exits allows you to progress, while the rest dead-end into people’s condos! Furthermore, the corridors snake around in the harder version, making it less predictable, but also gives more walls to hide behind (from a gameplay perspective).

1 comment:

  1. I like it, its interesting take on it and I think it will come out pretty good. I just think if you added the textures it will bring it more to life but good job.
