Monday, October 28, 2013

JR Maze - Concept Final + Textures


       This is the final concept and mock-up artwork for my maze. It looks less detailed in terms of color, but I've been to several condos, and the more vivid parts of condo hallways are usually the carpets. The usage of doors reflects the multi-room nature of the maze structures I drew, with some of the doors open for easy access. Aside from that, I decided to add ceiling light and potted plants as decoration. Even though the hallway is intended to have a more basic feel, the light and the plants act as decor to make it more realistic. The metal textures are for other hallways that take place in utility closets, garbage chutes, and vents. The flower pattern is a possible alternate carpet pattern, and I'm thinking of having a carpet pattern for each different difficulty of maze.


  1. Wow! You even added lights! This looks very impressive, good work on the shadows and the plant is a nice touch. I feel like I'm staying at a hotel in Disney World.

  2. nice work on the concept. to upgrade, figure out how the shadows from the doors and plant should cast on the floor and walls from the lights. good shadows on the walls from the floor but the floor needs shadows also from the walls and the opposite advice for the ceiling and walls. use layer styles on the doors to make them more 3d.
