Wednesday, October 16, 2013

JR Prop Pixel Final

              This is the final version of the prop pixel art. The shading was surprisingly easy to make, using alternating between solid and "checkered" colors of pixel to create the illusion of a gradient while still keeping the general theme of the art. I decided to put the light source around the top right corner. Though, the "round" lighting on the burger bun is to give the illusion of a "round shine", or pseudo-3D effect so it wouldn't look flat. As for the rest of the burger, I didn't want to overload on detail, since the design of the game is simple, but the veins on the lettuce were a more necessary touch. Due to the different ingredients of the burger, I was able to develop a bright palette of vivid colors (with the pseudo gradients making it seem like there are even more colors. Older games used this technique to create the same effect, as palette on older systems were much more limited). Overall, I am very happy with how this has turned out.


  1. Wow, how did you do the textures of the lettuce?

  2. this came out really good. I like how the colors flow and how none are too overlapping. However, i think you would've been better off doing the shading to the side rather than straight on because it isn't very noticeable and makes little difference. I still like the overall product though.

  3. this came out really good. I like how the colors flow and how none are too overlapping. However, i think you would've been better off doing the shading to the side rather than straight on because it isn't very noticeable and makes little difference. I still like the overall product though.

  4. i would eat that burger. love the shading of the buns. i dont think the burger itself needs the gradient shading though.

  5. As I'm looking at this burger, I'm starting to get a little hungry because it looks 10 times better then some of the food I eat at the caff. The texture of the lettuce looks awesome. You had very nice highlights on the buns and the cheese. My only critique would be the straight lines you see for the other condements and burger. I can see you checkered it like we did in class, so I don't know what else you could do to get rid of them. Great job!

  6. very good job. to upgrade, add a drop shadow on the plate to ground the burger. figure out which objects need highlights, wetter objects need stronger highlights. the meat will need one type of highlight to make it look greasy. the lettuce and tomatoes need another type of highlight to make them look fresh.
