Monday, October 14, 2013

JR Prop Pixel Art

         Even though pixel art isn't the style of this particular game, I was still able to find a good prop to use. I looked at some of the props I presented in the title screen and decided on a hamburger that I used as a reference for the burgers on the conveyer belt. However, online the burgers on the title screen, I wanted to try one that is a little more detailed (the burger I made from it before only had the bun, burger patty, and the lettuce). As this burger is already in cartoon style, tracing the outlines was pretty easy, and I added a plate to the bottom, which I plan to add some shading to. The lettuce, however, was modified, as I wanted it to keep a more simple pattern that would be easier to style. Also, I decided to flatten the burger a bit at the sides, as I thought it looked rather odd that the burger patty sticks out of the sides. Each part, nonetheless, was able to easily be layered, with layer masking used to hide the lines of one part behind another.

1 comment:

  1. nice job chris. I like how you even included the little details like the seeds and the plate.
