Monday, September 30, 2013

JR The Game - Title Screen Final

       For the final version of my title screen, I decided to keep the same ideas I had during development. I also added in menu options that match the text style of the title, that highlight when they are selected. As for the other animations, they all transferred over well, even though it took some layer effect tricks to animate the flashing lights (I had to utilize color overlays with the color blend style). The only animation I wasn't able to insert was the up-and-down motion of the sombreros, as I couldn't combine it with the forward movement. Aside from that, everything turned out well, and those who saw it in progress really liked it.

Also, I apologize for the low quality of the video. The raw mp4 file was the original resolution, but Blogger down scaled it when it was uploaded.


  1. this is fantastic animation. Im most impressed with the conveyor belts movements as they seem perfectly animated and real. maybe you could add some animation to the alligator silhouette as well.

  2. yea really amazing work. the design and layout of your title screen is top notch and since you built everything yourself you can animate everything anyway you want. really strong work!
