Monday, September 9, 2013

Rock Paper Scissors - Finished Product

   This more final version of the project went very smoothly, and was fairly easy to make. For the layout, I decided to mix elements that worked from the two different proposed layouts. I didn't use the exact design of either of the two due to space constraints. The biggest issue with space was fitting them all at the bottom with the rules, so I decided to add them to the diagram instead.

   The comments other students made on the plans referenced that I hand-drew the individual elements planned for the page. While I planned to scan some of the drawings, I didn't have much time to do so, plus then hands I drew weren't that well drawn compared to the others. So, for the most part, I stuck to using images from Google for the hands and objects (with some modifications). However, I did hand-draw the arrows in Photoshop, which turned out pretty well and close to the way they were on the notebook page. I also hoped to simplify/remove color from the elements taken from Google, in order to make their appearance closer to that of the drawings, but I couldn't find a function for this in Photoshop.

  As for other elements, I stuck to a color scheme of greys for the background, and with shades of blue for the boxes, bubbles, and glow effects on most of the text and images. This also made the "fiery" colors on the arrows stand out more, which contributed to the design of the diagram and added some contrast. Even though I originally planned for a Rock Paper Scissors symbol border, I instead decided to use this pattern for the background. The inspiration came from the poster of another student's Metal Gear Solid variation of this game. That poster contained a watermark background, which filled the empty space between the text boxes. Since my background looked a little empty beforehand (being a simple dark-to-light gray gradient), I knew that implementing the pattern into it would tie this project together.

1 comment:

  1. Really great researching effort with hand drawn elements. Tons of design process information written out in both phases. Final delivery has alot of design built into it. Strong color and shape composition but its a bit busy and distracting in the middle area. I agree that the background needed that watermark fill, but maybe a strong design connection between the fiery arrows and the background wouldnt contrast with each other so strongly. I think its very close to be a completed piece but just needs a central tie in with all the elements in the middle.
