Wednesday, September 11, 2013

JR: The Game - Concept of a Concept

        The concept of this game is centered around an alligator by the name of JR. His character is rather eccentric and wild, being from the southern USA, and he always has a big appetite for food and mischief. His appearance will be similar to that of a normal alligator, only more upright and cartoonish, along with sporting several oddball accessories such as sunglasses. Due to his love of food, he owns a very famous BBQ restaurant and club, which I plan to have involved in the game’s plot. I also plan on giving JR a sort of “sidekick” who would assist JR in several of the game’s areas.

   The game’s location, of course, takes place in the southern United States, mainly in places like South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana, with the time period being within the past few years. With a southern setting, I plan to have several gator-inhabited environments such as swamps and marshes, with a few more urban areas mixed in when you reach later levels. The color scheme will start of rather glum while visiting the swamps, but will slowly progress to brighter and more festive colors as you progress throughout the game.

  The game is intended to be abstract and cartoonish with it’s art and environments, with a general trend towards silliness. However, there is a mechanic that the game will have that throws some realism into the mix. Being cold-blooded, JR needs heat in order to sustain his energy. This will add a new element to the gameplay, that will require the player to keep JR’s energy up to progress through the levels. As his energy and temperature reduces, he will slow down, with a life lost if all energy is lost. In order to refuel energy, JR can relax in bright rays of sun, which will slowly refuel his energy while inside, while plates of BBQ food (burgers, steaks, chicken, pork, etc) fill his energy meter instantly.

  The above images are a few examples of reference images for the different environments, character inspiration, etc.

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