Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Rock Paper Scissors - Concept Art

    The planning process for this project was fairly simple, and I am deciding between two distinct layouts for this particular project. However, I am leaning closer to the second one. While the first one adds a bit more creativity with having the rules in the middle of the cycle, I thought that having the objects and their representative hand positions next to each other wouldn’t allow a lot of room for the “cycle”. In the second one, I decided to have the cycle in the middle and have the hand positions next to the rules to balance it out a bit more. Still, maybe elements from both layouts could be combined, but I’ll base that on user feedback.

    The graphics for each piece of the diagram were basic objects, so looking for good reference images on Google wasn’t a difficult task. The paper was very easy to create, but looked rather simplistic when compared to the other two objects. From that, I decided to find a good image of paper with a corner folder over, which allowed the graphic more depth and a bit of shadow. A standard recycling icon was used as a reference for the arrow graphic for the diagram. However, I decided to add spikes to it. The purpose was to give it a more “offensive” or powerful look, representing one object being strong against another. The border was a simple idea to fill up the more empty spaces on the page with a line of silhouettes representing each object in a pattern. I’m really thinking of using this to give the poster a more decorative touch.


  1. I think that it would be really cool if you hand crafted your own elements in photoshop. That semi-drastic undertaking shows a lot of effort and creativity.

  2. Its a lot of fun seeing you actually draw out the symbols and shapes. You also did them in great detail, which adds realism to the poster not just from internet pictures, but by your own hand.

  3. I actually really liked this, you didn't use the 10 thumbnails just layouts and you knew exactly what you were going to do. I like how you took images from the internet and sketched them out and made them slightly different.

  4. Those drawings were actually really well done. Kudos.

  5. handwritten drawings is a bold move. could work if you get it off dot grid paper. if not, theres no harm in google images. i like option 1

  6. Nice artwork. Layout 2 looks the best to me.
