Monday, September 23, 2013

JR The Game - Mood Board Final

    The color schemes chosen for my concept images were well-received, and the color choices well-defined the images. So, I felt that I didn’t need to overhaul the color scheme to define the game or to make things stand out. For the final product, Instead of simply updating the concept images presented earlier, I decided to take some of those elements and put them in a mood board together, to see how well their color schemes would work together.

    Using the colors I had picked out earlier, I modified some of my existing graphics, as well as making some new ones, to create a board that has a more consistent art style. Similar to the Katamari art style, I used the color bar by color bar simple shading and art style for the shading of most objects (I’ve used this kind of shading when modifying pixel art, so I’m pretty fond of it). For example, the pier/boardwalk, while looking like pixel art, was an attempt at a pseudo cel-shading effect that uses this style. The beams of sunlight reflect the simple lighting style, but I made that one a little differently. All of the “layers” of color are actually the same color, but they are of gradually decreasing opacities.

    Overall, the goal of this image was to work the different elements towards the same art style, while making their respective color schemes go together. Even in a simple art style such as this, the contrast between vibrant and earthy pastel seems to have worked out well.

1 comment:

  1. really amazing work. you show great understanding of color, shape, form and composition. you made some great artwork to test out mixing your color palettes.
